
Chapter I


Rationale of the Study

Bags have always been a part of our daily lives. It serves various purposes for different users. People buy bags for personal use. Others buy them as gift items and still others as souvenirs. Bags come in many designs and style. Some are made out of leather, plastic, paper and natural fibers.
Abaca fiber is one of them. Known worldwide as Manila hemp, abaca fiber is obtained from the leaf sheath of the abaca, Musa textiles Nee and is considered as the strongest among natural fibers. It is indigenous to the Philippines whose favorable climatic condition and volcanic soils are suited to its cultivation. It is similar to banana in appearance that the leaves are upright, pointed, narrower and more tapering. Its fruit are similar, non-edible and contain many seeds. The color of the fiber ranges from ivory white to light and dark brown.
Unfortunately, the industry for abaca bags is unstable. Local demand is low which is greatly affected by factors such as competition, product quality, price and the like.
Considering these facts, the researchers saw the need to conduct a study on the market feasibility of abaca bags in Cebu. With the results of the study, the researchers aim to promote and improve the sales of abaca bags in the locality.
Statement of the Problem
The main purpose of the study is to determine the viability of abaca bags in the local market of Cebu.

General Objective
To help penetrate the abaca bags industry in the local market.
Specific Objective
The general objective of this study is to develop strategies to increase the sales of abaca bags in Cebu.
Specifically, it aims to:
Existing Market Situation
§ To determine the uses and users o ...
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Pages (s) : 26
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