A Market Economy

A Market Economy is the most
efficient way of organizing
economic activities. Millions of
suppliers (firm) and consumers
(buyers) make the markets. The
suppliers and consumers sell and
purchase goods that satisfy the
wants of consumers and suppliers.
Suppliers and consumers make
rational decisions, respond to
incentives and make tradeoffs. Over
all trade makes everyone better
off. (Mankiw) If one firm does not
meet the wants of the consumer then
they will lose their place in the

Sales for most major retailers have
risen this quarter, while others
have fallen. The over all sales
gain equals 7.9%. (Chandler) Sales
rose because consumers are not
bothered by threats of war. Also,
they feel confident in current and
future stability of the economy.
The reason some retailers lost and
most gained could be a number of
possibilities: Prices might be too
high for the consumer's taste.
Marketing strategies appealed to
consumer's tastes. Consumer's
expectation of future prices and
economic stability.

Consumer purchasing goods from some
firms dropped. This could have been
because of price increase of goods
sold by retailers. Prices of goods
rose because of cost increase due
to the rise in Average Total Cost.
Average Total Cost is Total Cost
(everything that is given up to pay
for good) divided by Quantity (how
many goods the firm produces). This
will be driven up by the Variable
Cost (costs that vary with the
quantity of output produced)
because of inflation; wage increase
and cost of goods needed to produce
the final good.

With some firms rising having their
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